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輔導或咨詢服務 (50分鐘)

- 由香港心理諮詢中心提供

- 面談或視像輔導服務(如視像輔導,只限個人輔導或咨詢)

- 可以通過Whatsapp,Messenger或Skype進行視像輔導

- 每節50分鐘

- 語言:廣東話,普通話,英語

- 需要預付款; 不設退款

- 下訂單時請註明日期和時間

- 要更改日期和時間,請提前24小時通知


- Provided by Hong Kong Psychological Counselling Center

- outpatient or online service (individual session only for online service)

- online counselling/consultation can be conducted thru Whatsapp, Messenger or Skype

- 50 minutes per session

- language: Cantonese, Mandarin, English

- advance payment is required; no refund

- please specify date and time when placing order

- to change date and time, please allow 24 hour advance notice

輔導或咨詢服務 (50分鐘) Counselling / Consultation Services (50 minutes)





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